

Throughout the years, I've developed coping strategies that are helpful for my anxiety. But, I also realize that to effectively cope with the anxiety that might be triggered out of nowhere, I need to give myself a chance to heal from painful memories of the past.
I'm Michaela Jarvis, and I’m excited to join the "Recovering from Mental Illness" blog to share the stories and experiences I’ve faced on my road to mental illness recovery. This road has been bumpy, often embarrassing, guilt-ridden, and isolating, but it has led me to where I am today. Along the way, I've rebuilt my life and have garnered insights and experiences that I believe can help others on similar journeys. My ultimate goal is to share these experiences, honest and raw, to make things less lonely and more bearable for anyone who might be feeling what I've felt and been where I've been.
I’m Kevin Anyango, and I’m very excited to share my gambling addiction recovery journey on the "Recovering from Mental Illness" blog to help myself, and others stay on the straight and narrow. Five years ago, I hit rock bottom; I had no money, no place to stay, no job, and every little I made went to gambling. Alone, starving, and sleeping on the streets, I took a good hard look at myself and decided it was time for a change.
Over time, I learned that Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) wasn't for me. To say my initial response to the concept of AA meetings was poor would be an understatement. I recall being in my first rehab, joining the chorus of naysayers with some choice words. However, this would all change when I could no longer keep telling myself I was in control of my drinking. 
Like everyone else, I sometimes feel bored with my life. Boredom is a derivative of expectations that haven't been met; when I'm bored, it's because I feel like I'm not living the life I ought to be. This can be true in the micro-sense of being bored at work or in the macro-sense of being bored with a career trajectory itself, to name just two examples. If not your job, you might be bored with your family, partner, living environment, or any number of other things, up to and including yourself. But did you know that boredom and attention are linked?
In a previous article, I wrote about feeling anxious about starting my first session with a personal trainer. But now that I am two months into the program, I have to admit there are many clear benefits to working with a certified professional who knows much more about fitness and nutrition than I do. It has been a challenge, but under her instruction, I am slowly learning how to create a balanced relationship with exercise. I can even see myself building stamina, resilience, strength, and athleticism. Here are some of the lessons from personal training that also help me out in ED recovery.
I'm Karen Mae Vister, and I'm overjoyed to be the new author of "More than Borderline." Living with borderline personality disorder (BPD) hasn't been a walk in the park for me. Out of the BPD criteria, I've experienced my fair share of chronic emptiness, emotional roller coasters, and desperate efforts to avoid feeling abandoned. But this blog isn't about dwelling on the struggles; it's about shining a light on the path to recovery and breaking down the stigma surrounding BPD.
This Pride month, I'm recommending my favorite lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, plus (LGBTQ+), coming-of-age love story. "Classmates," also known as "Doukyusei," by Asumiko Nakamura is about two high school boys who fall in love for the first time. The manga and its anime adaptation will leave your spine tingling and your stomach aflutter.
I always thought my depression might be inherited because both my parents have experienced it. But we all shared the same house, town, financial situation, and social network when I was growing up, so I wondered if it was more a product of our environment than our genes. As it turns out, both are correct. Experts think depression is about 50 percent inherited and 50 percent other factors.
Schizophrenia and addiction seem intertwined for me. I don't know if I am more prone to addiction because of my mental illnesses, but it seems like it. For years I smoked cigarettes, and I believe they were masking my more problematic symptoms and emotions or that smoking was a coping mechanism for the symptoms, which were increasing the older I got. I didn't have my first episode of psychosis until my late twenties. Still, before that, I dealt with anxiety, often staying up late into the night, going over every detail of every conversation I had earlier in the day -- constantly worrying that I said or did the wrong thing. 

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Michaela Jarvis
Hi Nancy, thanks for sharing your story. I'm one of the current authors of the Recovering from Mental Illness blog, and I can totally relate to you. Timers were a good tool for me as well. I also can relate that I do better under work pressure, but home tasks can be a little more difficult. Nothing wrong with asking for help -- I've been there too!
Sandy G.
You two girls were dressed properly for your baptisms! Many parishes do baptisms at Easter vigil and it is a tradition for the girls being baptized to be dressed as babies to show that they are pure and innocent and worthy of entering gods kingdom.When we baptized our daughter at 16 at Easter vigil,we dressed her as a regular baby in a white,just below the knees,short sleeve baptism gown with the matching bonnet,lace socks and white booties.Under her gown,she wore a cloth diaper with babyprint rubberpants over it and a tee shirt as her top.
Well written and insightful.
Mahevash Shaikh
Thanks, Joseph. I am both sad and glad that this article resonated with you! Wishing you a relaxing weekend :)
my first day working at subway is tomorrow and i’m 15, i’m kind of nervous because I asked my manager if I could wear long sleeve under my work shirt (just a subway t shirt) and she said I could I would just have to roll it up. I have a lot of sh scars all over my arm and it’s definitely extremely noticeable, and they’re kinda dark and big and puffy so makeup doesn’t really cover them. I honestly don’t know what to do because I seriously can’t show them i’m definitely not ready for that. I’m still getting used to showing them around my own house so I know I won’t be able to handle it at a workplace in public yet, and my anxiety would be through the roof. I can’t wear bracelets or anything to cover them either because it’s not allowed. So yeah i’m really scared and idk I kind of want to cry right now cause my life is so stressful and this is making it worse. Besides that first day of work ever tomorrow yayyy?!