January, 14 2023 at 11:01 pm

I’m so sorry for what you and your friend are going through. I don’t have the answers, but I try to stay focused on the perspective that in each situation, there are gifts. One of the gifts is being able to connect with someone and love them, the next is then deciding to love them, even when they can’t be present right now. One thing you can try is to release expectations, release any judgement for you and them, and be open to what the universe is providing. Think in abundance, not in lack. Somehow, though it is incredibly difficult, this journey will purify you and if you let it, it will show you what is truly important in life. Keep saying yes, even when it hurts more than you can bear, because you can grow, learn and heal from this in positive ways. As you do this, even if he can’t be present, it will impact him in positive ways and help him heal. This is the greatest gift, the gift of love.