January, 29 2022 at 4:12 pm

Right now I’m crying in my bathroom. He is a very anger man. He blames me for everything. Example a lighter he dropped on the ground it was my fault. I’ve been called slut, psycho and crazy (just a few). He tells me all the time no one wants me. He is an alcoholic and abuses his pain meds . He has emotionally cheated on me with his ex wife. I have been nothing but support through his job. I am his punching bag. He turns everything around on me. (Gaslighting). I don’t even want to be here anymore. I walk on egg shells daily. He puts everyone before me. I have no friends. He hates my sister because she confronted him how he treats me. He wants to get another job in would move me from my family. I don’t want to go with him at all. I play the game. Being told no one wants you is a heart breaking. I dated a guy in high school who also told me this. Maybe it is me maybe everyone would be better off without me.