Comfortably Depressed
November, 4 2021 at 9:07 pm

I've recently been called the "C-word," "Weak" (because I started crying), "Stupid" (that was tonight), "You wear your heart on your sleeve that is why you're weak." We were watching Miss. Doubtfire tonight and he constantly telling me how horrible the movie is, he Googled what others were saying about the movie and telling me what they said while agreeing with them. He told me that its a horrible movie because "Robin Williams" was lying to his kids and is a creep for being a woman and tricking his wife so he could be around his kids. I said, " Wouldn't you do anything for your children?" He replied, "Not that and why should I have to dress in a costume to trick anyone and lie to see my kids?" I said, "The point I see is he is doing anything he can to see them." My husband says, "That is disgusting and that should not equate to "Doing anything" for my kids." *looking at him not understanding why he has contradicted.* So he would do ANYTHING for his children but not that so in return he is would not do ANYTHING for his children because his "Anything" has limits. (I assume he was trying to confuse me as he does everyday to create and argument then blame me for the creation of said argument. I'm confused. There is so many instances over 8 years he has berated me, called me names, belittled me in front of his co-workers and friends, telling our children that I'm a pos then asking me if I took my meds that day. (I take anti-depressants due to being depressed for 6 years..... His behavior started 7 years ago.) I'm so confused and hurt. Right now, at this moment, he came into our room and asked me "what is that laundry on the bed?" I said, "I don't know did you put there there?" He said, "Yes because they were in the dryer." I said, "Okay, so what do you want to do with them?" He replies, "Throw them on the floor." I said, "Okay. You do that then." He left the room and hasnt been back... its been three hours. He took the laundry out of the dryer and didn't fold them or hang them up and left them for me? He doesn't help or do anything around the house. I have to wash the dishes everyday. He says no he will not do them because we have a teenager in the house. (My teenager does Volleyball and Basketball after school plus she had homework everyday and if I ask her to do anything around the house she will but I don't feel dishes should fall solely on her. Am I wrong?) I don't understand what happened or where it all went wrong. I'm emotionally and mentally broke. :-/