September, 19 2020 at 9:33 pm

I can feel how you live everyday with this, I hope you loved yourself and the kids more than consider living with him the rest of your life! Please find way to take the kids out! Family will be the first place that can help you before you can set out to live on your own. I was in the similar relationship, it took my focus, beauty, energy and loosing my confident until I was not confident to put make up on because I scare he will make a joke of my make up.
Now I start love myself, withdraw myself out from that life, and live happier with my kids without that man, I don’t believe my kids would grow up healthy with such a father they have,. I know it’s hard to walk away from relationships especially toxic. Believe in yourself honey, we women stronger than man can think, to me I got enough with name calls, my parents never called me anything but just the man I meet half of my life should he do that, I will not keep up with that, there is not love, someone that love each other will never put his love one down especially you have 5 kids with him,..