April, 17 2020 at 12:07 pm

I am a male, abused by a female, covert narc. I read this, hoping to find support and help. Apologize if this seems harsh, but this should have been titled, "Things Male Verbal Abusers Say and Do". Of all your comments, the only ones that apply to my abuser are, she has said "I can't stand to look at you. You make me sick." Three years ago, she took me out for my "best birthday ever" and to this day berates me about it, let's say, on a monthly basis. Oh, and if I ever ask her anything pointed, that might be construed as "critical", she immediately changes the subject - never to return to it. I appreciate if this piece is designed to help women sufferers, but I think you should have stated this. This makes me feel worse. Thank you. Peter